Supervisors and managers are doubly challenged with the responsibility of managing their own careers and goals, as well as creating a positive
spark in the performance and growth of those they oversee. To help, Ignite offers customized, hands-on seminars on a variety of topics, where managers can
learn and develop competencies such as coaching skills, conflict management, problem solving, team motivation, effective training techniques, goal setting, stress management, interviewing, networking, project management, time management, how to run a meeting, presentation skills, and more.
[–] management development topics
Coaching Skills For Managers
This session shows you why "managing" is passé and coaching is the true style for leading a department or business to higher levels of success. We cover the basic strategies employed by coaches in a fun and interactive way. After attending this session, there is no question your managers will immediately become more effective with the people they supervise.
Conflict Management
A company without conflict is a company where there is no diversity, genuine discussion, or risk-taking happening. Although conflicts among colleagues naturally occur and can spark positive growth, employees must have a tool to resolve these conflicts quickly and successfully. Through guided skill practice, participants learn how to resolve minor conflicts, using effective communication techniques. The session also focuses on how to resolve major conflicts and handle highly charged and volatile situations. The techniques learned in the session promote a healthy, dynamic team and teach skills that participants can use in their home lives as well.
The Craft Of Creative Problem Solving
The ability to effectively and creatively solve your own problems and the problems of others is a skill no businessperson should be without. In today's highly competitive business world, being a creative problem solver can mean the difference between success and failure. In this session, participants learn the dynamics of problem solving, as well as how to look more creatively at a problem. Additionally, we discuss the characteristics of proactive and reactive individuals and emphasize the power of proactive thinking.
Creating A Motivated Team
Since everyone is not motivated by the same rewards, this session is designed to create a better understanding of the different motivators that drive individuals to do their best. Participants discover the factors that can motivate and demotivate different people, as well as what motivates themselves. This interactive session provide attendees the tools needed to create motivated teams.
Effective Training Techniques
This session is a must for any supervisor or manager responsible for showing others how a job is done. Participants learn the basics of training, including the importance of preparation and gaining a buy-in from the trainee. We also discuss different principles of adult learning and how to adapt the training to different communication and learning styles. Trainers will develop different types of job aids to ensure effective and consistent training in all departments.
A Fresh Approach To Goal Setting
Goal setting has been around a while for a good reason: it works. Then why don't more people strictly practice its principles? Our theory is they make it tougher than it needs to be. In this challenging and extremely interactive session, participants see how simple a process goal setting can be and how rewarding it is to practice on a daily basis.
Getting Control Of Your Stress
Everyone feels stressed out from time to time, but when it becomes a way of life, it's time to make some changes. This session educates participants on the signs of excessive stress, techniques for managing their stress and how to control their "hot buttons." This session is not designed to make you feel bad for not leading the perfect lifestyle. It is designed to teach you how to incorporate some simple and fun concepts into your daily routines to help ease the pressure.
Making The Interview And Selection Process Work
They say the odds are no better than the flip of a coin that the person you just hired will be right for the job; what a costly gamble for any organization! During this interactive session, participants learn and practice proven techniques to improve those odds. We also review the basics of interviewing, such as how to use the resume and application forms and how to structure the interview process. This session includes an introduction to the concepts of behavioral interviewing. The tools participants learn during this course assist them in interviewing and selecting the right candidates for your organization.
Meeting Management
Do you dread going to meetings, especially those chaired by you? Are you the one daydreaming or writing that shopping list in your head? We've all attended meaningless meetings that were inefficiently run and poorly planned. The intent of this session is to help participants understand the need for meetings, the different forms they take, and the practical aspects of planning an effective agenda. It also includes an explanation of the necessary follow-up needed to confirm what each team member is accountable for, so that post-meeting action is taken.
Presentation Skills
This session gives attendees the tools to develop and perform an entertaining and informative presentation. Through interactive discovery techniques, participants experience a presentation from the opening icebreaker, to content delivery, to question management and debrief. The session also includes practical instruction in the use of visual aids. To make the most of this session, we request that participants bring a presentation subject of their choice to the session, and they are videotaped and critiqued on their platform skills using their own program content.
Preventing Sexual Harassment
This session focuses on the legal and practical definitions of sexual harassment. Participants learn about their responsibility to avoid harassment in the workplace by recognizing and avoiding behaviors that others are likely to find offensive. They also discover how to clearly communicate, either directly to the harasser or to a supervisor/manager when an employee feels harassed. Particpants partake in interactive role-plays and scenarios throughout this session.
Project Management
Have you ever been assigned a large project and have no idea where to start? This session draws upon several sources to present a straightforward approach to managing any project. Real examples are used to assist participants in their learning process and to help show them how to plan a project from concept to completion.
Time Management
In this session, we discuss people's beliefs about time, what interferes with our time management, and how to get past these stumbling blocks. Participants have the opportunity to write out short-term and long-term goals, gain feedback on appropriate timelines for goals, and are given practical methods for staying on track in meeting those goals. Additionally, participants are given tips on how to use their current time management tool effectively, such as a to-do list, a planner, or a PDA, so their priorities and goals actually get done!
Working The Room: The Power Of Networking
The ability to create relationships is an essential skill for anyone to be successful in today's competitive business world. Whether attending a meeting, making a sales call or simply interacting in a business setting, it is not who you know, but who you want to know! In this session, participants build their confidence in how to "work a room," by learning how to make networking work with their personal style, not against it. This session provides an endless array of tips and suggestions to help you network more successfully.
[–] effective communication sessions
Effective Communication
Effective communication is the building block for any manager to be successful with his or her people. Without effective communication techniques, breakdowns occur. During this session, we will demonstrate how communication can either create action or create powerlessness and teach participants winning communication skills that will improve their relations with co-workers, customers and their team.
Listen Your Way To Better Rapport With People
Considering what an important part of the communication process listening is, isn't it shocking how little schooling any of us received to become masterful listeners? The result is we are a society of people that interrupt, forget names as soon as we are introduced, and spend most of our time thinking about what we're going to say as soon as the person we're talking to stops talking. In this dynamic session, participants gain insight into their own mental listening habits and through this self discovery, along with some enlightening exercises, hone their listening skills for more quality communication with others.
Requests And Promises: The Power Of Your Word
All businesses make promises. The successful companies are the ones that are most concerned with delivering exactly what they promised to both their customers and staff. The focus of this session revolves around the following basic question: can you be counted on to get the job done? Participants will learn a powerful new language of how to make requests and keep promises that builds trust and improves the integrity of every team member. This skill will also help ensure that tasks and projects get done on time.
The Power Of Assertive Communication
Some people often get taken advantage of, while others have a difficult time saying what's on their mind. Or, on the flip side of the coin, some people over-react and bully others. Although passive and aggressive styles are present throughout the workplace, they are ineffective communication styles. In this interactive session, participants learn how to say what they really mean to say in a way that doesn't offend others. They are also taught how to effectively relate to co-workers and customers that come off as either pushovers or bulldozers. Assertive communication is a must-have skill for all members of your organization.